
Byte Megabyte and Z15



Zim Sailing's Involvement with the Byte, Megabyte, and Zim15

Here are some details on the future of Zim and these boats: 

  • At this time Zim no longer produces the Byte, Megabyte, and Zim15
  • We made the decision to focus our energy on supporting classes targeted at getting youth sailors into the sport
  • We are doubling down on C420, 420E, and ILCA construction
  • It is our goal to get as many butts in boats as possible
  • The only way we can help achieve this goal is to discontinue involvement in these classes and focus our efforts to what we do best.
  • There are some parts available on our clearance page.
  • Once these parts are sold through we will not order any more.
  • If you need parts to keep your boat sailing, reach out, and we will provide our vendor for the product you are looking for.
  • While it is sad to let these classes go we hope to serve the broader dinghy sailing community for many years to come.

As always please feel free to contact us anytime with any questions. 


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