Opti 4:1 Mainsheet Pennant Spliced Zim Sailing $112.00 Opti Pennant, 4:1 with harken fiddle block and trigger snap. Two spliced loops: one luggage tags to the trigger and the other is fixed to the fiddle block.
Opti Halyard Line - Long Zim Sailing $129.00 Race ready Opti sprit halyard with dyneema spliced loop for sprit and a 20 mm block spliced into the other end for purchase. The system includes a Harken Hook In block that conforms perfectly to the mast reducing wear and improving performance. Comes...
Harken 40/29mm Block with Fiddle Harken $51.95 This Harken block has a main 40mm sheave and a 29mm fiddle below it. This part is popular with opti sailors for making their mainsheet 4:1.
Opti Tapered Mainsheet - Red New England Ropes $100.00 Tapered Opti/Optimist mainsheet made by New England Ropes. Seamlessly flows through the blocks allowing for more efficient sheeting while retaining good grip for the user.
Opti Mainsheet Tapered with Trigger Shackle FSE Robline $109.00 Tapered Mainsheet for the Optimist with a Trigger Shackle. Allows quick change from 4:1 to 3:1 type mainsheet systems. Color of the mainsheet can vary based on availability.
Opti Pro Vang Zim Sailing $15.00 The Opti Pro Vang features a dyneema upper section for splicing to your boom which helps minimize the amount of stretch in your Optimist boom vang system. It also features a 6mm sprint cord control line which maximizes performance and cleat hold for your...
Opti Tapered Mainsheet FSE Robline $100.00 Tapered at both ends for smooth trimming upwind and working it downwind. The most popular Opti racing mainsheet in the world. Mix of Dyneema® with a PA/PES-yarn for high loads, low elongation and excellent grip. Using tapered sheets gives you the...
Opti Mainsheet Pennant $22.00 Double spliced Dyneema mainsheet pennant; one end on mainsheet block, other on snap shackle to connect to boom.
Opti Halyard Primary Line - Long $38.50 Primary Opti halyard. Spliced with a loop in each end. One end attaches to sprit, the other to a purchase block. Easily attaches with a luggage tag to your sprit purchase block.