
Orange Bowl 2024 Deliveries and Charters

Note: Order window for Orange Bowl deliveries has ended; we're headed south! Please give us a call at 401-237-6117 for assistance or visit our trailer at Coral Reef Yacht Club December 26-30 for all your on site event support needs. Thanks for choosing Zim Sailing!

Save big on shipping with FREE delivery of any parts to Orange Bowl! The Zim team is headed to Miami for the last two weeks of December, and meeting us there is a great way to get items delivered to you at no additional cost. In particular, large and oversized items can be easily transported to Miami and loaded onto your own or team’s trailer for transportation back home. 

Get your next ILCA upper, C420 mast, or Opti spars with no shipping headaches involved!

How to Order to Orange Bowl:

  • When checking out online, you must use 2484 S Bayshore Dr, Miami Fl 33133 as the shipping address. This ensures the correct sales tax is charged; we may call you to collect sales tax if the shipping address is not correct. We cannot guarantee your order will be placed on the truck if the tax has not been paid.
  • Next, select “Deliver to Orange Bowl” as your shipping method.
  • When you arrive in Miami, come see us at our trailers for pickup! Opti parts will be at Coral Reef YC, C420 parts at USSC, and ILCA parts at Shake A Leg.


Popular ILCA, C420, and Opti Items

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