C420 SCV / FJ 4:1 Vang Assembly Zim Sailing $112.00 The 4:1 boomvang for the 420/FJ allows control of the sail shape and twist in the sail LP Part # 90605
C420 Shroud (Link Plate Style) Dwyer Mast & Rigging $118.00 The C420 Link Plate Shroud is an exclusive product designed by Zim Sailing. The end is designed to accept our link plate, which allows you to adjust your rig while keeping the shroud captive, increasing safety and performance. This shroud can be used to...
C420 Vang Assembly 16:1 Zim Sailing $169.00 Club 420 Vang for 16:1 purchase. Lower becket block with shackle with cascade upper system. LP Part # 90604
C420 Trapeze Wire Zim Sailing $157.00 Club 420 trapeze wire. Complete with slip knot height adjustable cleat and handle, trapeze harness ring with rolling block. LP Part # 90231
C420 Jib Halyard Zim Sailing $118.00 Club 420 Jib Halyard, snap shackle with pull tab, slide down protective cover, becket block and 4mm dyneema core tail.
C420 Spinnaker Guy Large Roller Pin (1/4 inch) *New Spec* Zim Sailing $33.80 Updated C420 spinnaker guy larger roller pin (1/4 inch) in our latest spec. The outboard end of the pin features a 1 inch disc that's better for holding your spin sheets as compared to our previous version. A great upgrade for any C420 sailor! Guy...
C420 Forestay (LP) Dwyer Mast & Rigging $89.40 Wire Forestay for Club 420's from LP, made from 1/8 in wire. This version is specific to LP C420s. For all Zim C420s or other C420s using the standard 3/32 in wire, please purchase C420 Forestay (Zim)
Halyard Shackle w/ Removable Pin (5mm) $35.70 Jib halyard shackle with a removeable pin for the C420 and FJ. Previosuly used SKU#20217
C420 Shroud (LP/Vanguard/PS2000) Dwyer Mast & Rigging $87.20 This shroud is designed to fit a LP, Vanguard, or PS2000 boat.
C420 Shroud Link Plate Dwyer Mast & Rigging $33.80 The C420 Link Plate is designed by Zim Sailing for use on our Club 420 and ZForce 420 sailboats. The captive design allows you to adjust your rig without fear of the rig crashing down, increasing safety and performance. The primary benefit to our link...