

Shop pre cut lines and mainsheets for ILCA sailboats from Zim Sailing, your trusted ILCA builder and supplier.

  • ILCA Race Line Kit

    ILCA Race Line Kit

    Kingfisher Yacht Ropes

    Line bag for the racing ILCA sailor. This kit contains:  Vang Secondary Line Cunningham Secondary Line Hiking Strap Bungee Cunningham Line Rudder Downhaul Line Daggerboard Line (and clip) Hiking Strap Adjust Line Outhaul Line Mast Retainer Line...
  • ILCA Traveler Line - Dyneema

    ILCA Traveler Line - Dyneema

    Dwyer Mast & Rigging
    This pre-cut section of 6mm gray Dynema is made for an ILCA traveler. It is 144 inches long and has a 2 inch splice in one end. 
  • ILCA Mainsheet 7mm Rooster Blue

    ILCA Mainsheet 7mm Rooster Blue

    ILCA mainsheet made from the Rooster Polilite 7mm revolutionary non-twist mainsheet. With the load bearing outer cover gripping the lightweight inner core, the risk of being confronted by a tangled mainsheet on a crucial bear away is greatly reduced...
  • ILCA Mainsheet 7mm Rooster Black

    ILCA Mainsheet 7mm Rooster Black

    ILCA mainsheet made from the Rooster Polilite 7mm revolutionary non-twist mainsheet. With the load bearing outer cover gripping the lightweight inner core, the risk of being confronted by a tangled mainsheet on a crucial bear away is greatly reduced...
  • ILCA Mainsheet 6mm Rooster Yellow

    ILCA Mainsheet 6mm Rooster Yellow

    ILCA mainsheet made from the Rooster Polilite 6mm revolutionary non-twist mainsheet. With the load bearing outer cover gripping the lightweight inner core, the risk of being confronted by a tangled mainsheet on a crucial bear away is greatly reduced...

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