FJ Transom Bar (Cal Style) Zim Sailing $102.00 This aluminum transom bar is for use with the Cal style CFJ sailboat. For FJs with the tiller over the transom, order part #20306.
FJ Tiller Aluminum (Through Transom) Zim Sailing $316.00 Zim Sailing has developed a new aluminum tiller for Cal Style CFJ sailboats that is now class approved! The plastic wedge makes our CFJ tiller compatible with a wide range of rudder heads for CFJs...
C420/FJ Pintle Upper - 4 Hole Zim Sailing $43.05 Upper pintle for 4 hole mount 420s and FJs. Compatible with some other builders' boats.
C420/FJ Pintle Lower - 4 Hole Zim Sailing $43.05 Lower pintle for 4 hole mount 420s and FJs. Compatible with some other builders' boats.
FJ Pintle Upper - 2 Hole (Cal Style) Zim Sailing $44.70 Replacement upper pintle for Cal Style CFJ (through transom rudders only)
FJ Pintle Lower - 2 Hole (Cal Style) Zim Sailing $44.70 Replacement lower pintle for Cal Style CFJ (through transom rudders only)
C420/FJ Back Up Bar - Guy Cleats $11.55 Single back up rod for guy cleats, or for the guy hooks....if your boat has them. LP Part # 91011